Sunday, September 30, 2012

Splash and Sister and Pico

No shows this weekend after a 4 week show streak.  No worries - we had lots of horsey fun.  Only 4 members made drill Friday evening - Ashlyn, Roxy, Ivy and Alaina.  Mallory and I played with our ponies while the girls drilled.  Splash and I worked on some trail obstacles concentrating on back through poles and sidepass.  Splash backs fairly well most of the time but every now and then, balks and I have to get after him to get him started.

Alaina and Sister JUMP
The girls concentrated on jumping out in the big arena.  I tried to get good pictures but after years of timing with Pico (always reluctant to jump), I had some trouble getting my timing right.  Sister seems to like jumping but really jumps BIG!  Ahab and Trouper enjoy jumping as well.
Kathy, Mallory, and Nancy joined me for the party lesson on Saturday morning and we all had a great lesson.  Mallory was working Grace and had some good canters before the lesson started.  Kathy and Call worked on counter canter loops and did well too.  Nancy did a good job with Zoe now that Doc is retired and she may try Missy in the next few weeks.

Ivy and Ahab taking a break
Splash and I worked on dressage for the first time in months since we were concentration on Trail and western for the fair.  Our leg yields in trot were pretty good once I stopped asking for to much bend but Patty asked me to sit upright rather than leaning back which is a habit built on long time work to fight the fetal position and curling toes.  When in the correct position, I felt very tilted forward.  Further training needed.  Our canters were fair with only one missed lead and two drops to trot.

Malloy & Gracie
The girls had drill again on Sunday and Splash got to go along for a ride and a little work.  We cantered on a long rein to help Splash practice maintaining gait w/o leaning on my hands.  We worked some trail obstacles too. 

Pico has an appointment Monday morning for more evaluation for his persistent lameness.  Cross fingers for a fast recovery since Ivy is pining for her pony to ride. 

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